Saturday, September 19, 2009

So, we all know that I have a 40 minute walk to work in the morning, yes? It is great, it wakes me up in the morning and gives me lots of time to think. Back in Seattle, I had a 20ish minute walk to Meany in the morning (where I tutored foster kids through Treehouse). Usually I used that time to call my grandparents or Lauren. (That three hour time difference was important because I was walking at like 7:15. Then on my way back, I was always busy texting someone or another, talking to my mom or studying for that Arabic test I knew was going to kick my butt. Here, I walk to work, just listening to my ipod and thinking about big ideas like, what is going to be for lunch? What skills should we work on at volleyball practice? Did I leave the water heater on when I left? Oops. The other thing that I think about a lot is what I would tell people about my experiences here. Basically, I write my blog. But then when I actually sit down to write something, I've forgotten all the funny, clever little stories I was going to tell. Lame.

To address a huge question I have gotten a lot, I will post pictures soon. As soon as I find my camera. I think I may have left it on the Klejka's boat when we went out on Labor day, or maybe it is lost in the disaster of my side of the room. But once I do find it, BABS has a camera cord that I will be able to use, so I promise to post some soon.

This week was pretty good, it went by really fast. I am super bummed because I should be in Nome right now, coaching my girls, but my boss at BABS still won't budge. It sucks. But, on the other hand, I understand where she is coming from... a little bit. And, instead of flying to Nome yesterday, I helped out some BABS students that were preparing for a soup kitchen that is happening today. It was actually super exciting, one of the girls was like, I'm not sure I wanna go to this, will you go with me? I said yes and she was pumped. Guess what, ladies and gentlemen? My kids are starting to like me!!!! I think I gained major cool points with all of them yesterday cause I was a bit ridiculous. BABS has this super sweet thing called Fun Fridays (yes, I feel like I am back working at summer camp) and yesterday's theme was Gender Bender, aka girls dress as guys and vice versa. I wore my roommate John's flannel shirt, his baseball hat, a pair of baggy pants and used eyeliner to paint myself a moustache and goatee. I was looking pretty handsome. It was great, people didn't recognize me all day yesterday. But, I wasn't even the most dressed up, one of the other teachers, Chris, dressed up in a pink dress, wore blush and lipstick and wore cute red flats. It was perfect. His bushy beard really completed the outfit. Don't worry, there are definitely picture of this, I am going to get them emailed to me soon and those will be posted ASAP. We even took cute couple pictures, I don't wanna brag... but we look pretty good together.

So, Friday was pretty fun but this week has been harder than previous weeks. I was telling one of my roommates this earlier but I definitely feel like my heart express mailed itself back to Seattle this week. Between terrifying family stuff to just missing my life at home, it is not easy. Its funny, I feel like my life is so often filled with drama and stress but when I look back on the first half of 2009, I am so thankful for the people that were there with me. I am sure that I will look back on this experience with the same amount of nostalgia, but I still catch myself wishing I was closer to family that drives me nuts but offers me so much joy and love and friends that know me and my quirks but love me anyway.

Now, don't think that I haven't made any friends. Its not like I am back in elementary school. People seem to like me here. Haha. But seriously, there are quite a few people that I am so excited to be spending the next year living near and becoming closer with. In fact, in about an hour, I'm going to be joining a bunch of them to play touch football. My goal is to not break any more bones. (For those of you that didn't know or forgot, in the championship game of intramural football last winter, I broke my middle finger and had to have two surgeries and be in some kind of cast for like 3.5 months) I will be sure to let you know if I can accomplish my goal. :) And then after football I am going to make dinner. Since I have been coaching football, our dinner situation has seriously sucked. No one else really cooks. I have eaten more Top Ramen here than I did in all of college. Then after that, we are going to Chris (my coworker at BABS)'s surprise birthday party. Guess what? Somehow I got put on the email listserve for his party! I really am making friends! Haha. (I mean, it may have something to do with the fact that his girlfriend and her roommate just got my email on Tuesday for something else... but still!) Anyway, it is time for me to plan a real dinner and then get changed. I promise to try and find my camera and post pictures soon.

Gah, another super long post. Who wants to nominate themselves to be my blog editor and cut down on the useless info? Anyway, love you all. Miss you lots. You should call me. The chance of me answering is 1/7... it could be worse, you could be calling a pay phone in the middle of town. Then the chance would be like... 1/150. Haha. (Thats a joke people, there are almost 6000 people here!)

Ok seriously, now I'm done.
Love you,

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