Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ok so, I've been really slacking on my blog updating. Sorry. I have been super busy.

Every day I leave my house around 7:40 (7:50, when I'm tired) and don't get back until around 7:30 that night. I go to work and then walk straight to volleyball practice and then head home. Some nights my roommates have dinner waiting for me, which is fantastic, other nights I scavenge and then just hang out. Volleyball is super fun and has been keeping me pretty darn busy. This weekend I helped out with two volleyball fundraisers, a car wash and a spaghetti feed. The car wash was on Saturday from 11-3 and during that time we made 1300 dollars. No joke. We also charged 20 bucks per car. Ridiculous Bethel prices. Then on Monday night (labor day) we had a spaghetti feed, all the girls brought a dessert and we made spaghetti, sauce, garlic bread and salad together. That night we made 1600 dollars. Yea, I know. That is nuts.

Speaking of Labor day, I had a great day off. I went out on the Klejka family boat. The Klejka's are a super sweet family that invites us to dinner every Sunday night (and asks us to paint their sled dog houses, nothing is free these days, haha). We went up to an abandoned Moravian Mission and walked around that and ate fried chicken (delicious. absolutely awesome. haha) Then we went and pulled over on the bank of the river and climbed about 15 feet straight up to walk around the tundra. No, I'm not joking. I was grabbing onto stray branches, feet slipping down the mud and freaking out, yelling at all the boys that this apparently came easy to. I'm sure I was a rather entertaining sight. But, once we got up to the tundra, I saw something amazing. TREES! No joke. Trees that are taller than me. Trees that some of the guys climbed. It was awesome. We walked around the tundra for a while which is a really interesting experience. Its like walking on clouds. Squishy, spongy, muddy and pothole filled clouds. Its quite a leg workout. The ground sinks beneath you and you have to keep pulling your feet up. High knees across the tundra.

After our tunra adventure, we had to climb back down. That was also an adventure. Sliding down feet first, trying to grab onto branches to slow myself down. It was actually pretty sucessful. (Yes, I know, I sound like such a city girl. Deal with it. I never spent much time outside. Let's be real, I'm more comfortable in the streets of Seattle at 2 am than I am in the wilderness. Haha) So, we climbed down and headed to the Klejka's fish camp.

A ton of people have fish camps in Bethel. Fish camps are little huts/tents/houses on the rivers that people go to to fish during the summer and fall. At the Klejka's fish camp we did some weedwacking and branch trimming so that the trail would be more visible. After working for a while, we all headed home and I headed to the spaghetti feed.

Lets see... what else would you be interested in hearing about. Oh, men. I'm a pretty hot commodity around these parts. Things I have in my favor: 1. I have a pulse. 2. I'm single. 3. I have a pulse. Wait, I already said that. But, thats probably the most important one. It is definitely a change from what I am used to at Seattle U.

The only place where the girls outnumber the boys is at BABS. My work has been kind of rough this week. Between swine flu (yes, swine flu is in Bethel) the regular flu, kids being dismissed for failing drug tests and just needing to take time off for family reasons, BABS has been in constant transition. I'm definitely feeling more at home here but its been weird with all the students coming and going. It is also stressful because a big part of my job is making sure the school is full. Lets just say I have been doing a lot of interviews for prospecitve students. (slightly frantically, haha)

Anyway, time for me to head to volleyball practice, we are starting late today so I took this break to update you all. I hope everything is great for all of you. Don't forget that just because you know what is going on in my life... I don't know what is going on in yours. Keep me updated too!

Lots of love!

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