Sunday, September 20, 2009

Don't freak out. Two blogs in two days. Haha. But really, this is just an update to yesterday's blog.

1. I ended up making salmon chowder and we found some B&M brown bread in a can that we baked up. It was such a good meal. Everyone was freaked out about the idea of eating canned bread but I remember eating it back in Maine and I loved it. But, by the end of dinner, there were 6 more canned bread converts.

2. I did play football yesterday and didn't break any bones, in fact, I scored two touchdowns. I was terrified at first because it was one other girl, me and then a bunch of big 20-30 year old guys. I was pretty convinced I was going to end up crawling off the field through the goose poop crying, but I held my own. In fact at Chris' surprise party (refer back to previous quote for a description of Chris) I kept being called over and compared to Hayley, the other girl that was playing. We were, of course, guarding each other (seriously, why would one of the guys need to guard a girl, obviously girls can't be good at sports, haha) but the guys decided that I got the better of her. Sweet. Haha.

3. I keep forgetting to share something really important! I have new irrational fear! Most of you should already know about my fear of umbrellas, I am convinced that one of the pokey ends is gonna stick into my eye one of these days. People are just not very careful with them. But up here in Bethel, we don't really have umbrellas so instead I am now terrified of getting a rock in my eye. I walk on dirt/gravel roads all the time and when cars drive by, the tires spray up a stream of rocks, dirt, trash, whatever. The other day a stray rock came up and hit me in the leg. What if I were bending down and tying my shoe? What if it had flown up like 3 feet higher? I would be Jill, the one-eyed girl. Not cool.

Ok, that it. Love you and miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. hmmm canned will have to make it for me sometime :)

